When it comes to your dream home, it is important to figure out not only how to obtain the look you envision, but also the best ways to maintain it. A dream home won’t quite qualify as such for very long if it cannot stand up to the test of time. But it cannot stand up to that test on its own. You must be willing to put in the time, effort, and where necessary, the money, to keep your home looking and feeling like the sanctuary you seek, and the warm and inviting abode you want guests to experience as well.
Choosing the right flooring
One of the biggest choices you will be faced with when you are designing your home or office is the flooring. It may seem like a standard installation process, but the right floor can completely make an entire space, while the wrong flooring choice can instantly cast the wrong impression. You will first want to decide if you are looking at a space that will do best with carpet or with a bare floor like hardwood or tile. Common areas for carpets or large rugs would be in bedrooms, hallways, or possibly living rooms, depending on your personal style and the feel that you are going for.
Hardwood flooring or tile is almost always chosen for areas like kitchens and bathrooms, as they are not places that you want a lot of absorbent surfaces. Ceramic tile is a popular choice, and in just one year it accounted for about 12.5% of the total floor covering sales in the United States. Whatever type of tile you do decide to go with, think about going large. Larger tiles such as 12 by 12-inch, 16 by 16-inch, and 24 by 24-inch tiles are popular because they provide a cleaner look, as there are fewer grout joints.
Tile cleaning to maintain your floors
In carpeted areas, of course you will want to regularly vacuum and at least once a year or so have them completely deep cleaned, possibly by a professional. But the tile surfaces of your home require a different kind of care and upkeep. Tile cleaning and restoring can get a bit complex, depending on the surface material that you have chosen. But it is worth the work. A polished tile floor can give your house an added sparkle and shine, and you can also gain the confidence of knowing that your house will look good for years to come. Tile that is regularly and properly cleaned and maintained can last for decades, and in some cases, even centuries.
Know the difference in care needs for your different tiles
Linoleum is a popular, affordable option for many and it can be quickly and easily cleaned. However if you have invested in heavier, more durable types of tile such as travertine or terrazzo, you will want to consult a professional before taking those harsh cleaning chemicals to your floor.
Terrazzo tile cleaning is very similar to the way that you would clean a marble floor, which shouldn’t come as a surprise as most terrazzo floors have elements of marble in them. Avoid using vinegar or any abrasives.
Travertine tile cleaning requires first dry cleaning with a broom or a handheld vacuum. Do not use a vacuum that you would need to drag across the floor, as this will scratch the surface. Stay away from cleaning solutions with harsh chemicals.
Tile restoration may be necessary at some point, regardless of how well you take care of it, but your floor will last much longer and look much nicer if you put in the proper work as you go.
Whatever you do end up choosing for the floors in your home or office, make sure they are exactly what you want. You are setting up the place that you will live or work for years to come, and you want it to be a place that you are happy to walk into. So make the surfaces that you’re walking on ones that you will be proud of and comfortable on long down the road.