Are you searching for a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) service in your area? You’re probably aware that HVAC systems need to receive routine maintenance to ensure that they are functioning optimally. Whether you need HVAC services for your home, office, or rental properties, it’s important to hire experienced professionals.
On an annual basis, air conditioners alone cost homeowners within the United States over $11 billion. Given this, when air conditioning as well as HVAC systems receive regular maintenance, this can keep them running efficiently throughout the year. When homes and other types of buildings have traditional ductwork systems, however, these can experience cooling losses of up to 40%. Furthermore, these losses account for over 30% of the energy consumed for conditioning living and working spaces. These losses can be prevented when you have ductless mini split HVAC systems installed.
Given the advancements made with high-efficiency heating systems, they now have an annual fuel utilization efficiency of 90% to 98.5%. It goes without saying that these systems can make a difference in your overall energy usage and utility bills. When you switch to one of these types of systems, you can potentially reduce your home and other energy usage for air conditioning by 20% to 50%. It’s important to note, however, that you will also need to take other steps to optimize this.
If your home, office, or rental properties have attics, are they insulated? If not, you’ll want to contact a general contractor to take care of this. Other projects that a general contractor can handle include sealing areas where drafts can enter into a building. If the windows and doors are drafty, for example, then you may be interested in having storm windows and doors installed. Since you don’t want to lose heat during the cold months or cool air during the hot months, your HVAC contractor may also recommend other weatherizing tips for your home, office, or rental properties.
When you schedule an appointment with an expert HVAC service, remember to ask them about the newest high-efficiency systems. Even though your existing systems may be working well enough, remember that the newer ones can provide greater energy savings. As a result, you will be making an environmentally-conscious choice.