6 Tips to Getting the Right Landscaping Design for Your Home


If you own a home in the United States, the chances are good that you care a lot about having a yard. At least 83% of all Americans say that it is important to have a yard. Of that group, 90% report that keeping the yard in good shape is important as well. Recently, the National Association of Landscape Professionals conducted a poll of 2.034 American adults. They found that 75% of their respondents thought spending time in their yards was an important thing to do. Not only do homeowners put a high value on good landscaping but realtors overwhelmingly recommend their clients spruce up their yards and lawns prior to putting their homes on the market. A full 97% of realtors tell their clients to make hiring a landscape designer a top priority before selling the property and they report this will bring in a return on investment of about 215%. Experts in landscape designs recommend the following tips:

  1. Think about how your landscaping looks all year. When a lot of homeowners think about their landscape options, they think about how their yards and gardens will look in the spring and summer. At the same time, most people want to have a good looking home all year round. If you live in a part of the country that has seasons, you should work with your landscape designer to put in plants that will look good throughout the year. There are bushes and trees that will stay green all year. By incorporating some of them into your design, you can create a great looking space for all four seasons.
  2. Use walkways to connect different areas of your outdoor space. You may end up putting in a fire pit or outdoor kitchen, a patio and maybe a zen garden area in your yard. These are all great elements to add to your outdoor living space. Bring them all together by putting in attractive walkways. You have a lot of options but should make all of your walkways look similar to each other. If you use stepping stones, you should make all of your walkways out of stepping stone. When you pick the material for these walkways, look for inspiration from the exterior of your home.
  3. Put in an area to relax and hang out. Many people consider their outdoor space to be an extension of their living space. More than half of homeowners say they like to spend their time in their yards gardening, entertaining and relaxing. When you bring people to your home, you need to have a place for them to sit. Having such an area increases the square footage of your home. This is where outdoor kitchens and patio space can add a lot to your home.
  4. Consider an outdoor kitchen. There are a lot of good reasons to want to cook your meals outside. If you are cooking pungent foods, you keep all of that smell outside. In the summer, you will not tax your air conditioning system by cooking a lot in your indoor kitchen. Also, whenever there is a gathering, people all fund themselves in the kitchen. Putting that outside just lets more people enjoy your yard and garden. If you have the space for it, outdoor kitchens can be a lot of fun and make for great entertaining spaces.
  5. Add fun and attractive lighting. You want people to enjoy and appreciate your landscaping design when it is dark out. Adding lighting to your outdoor living space can give it depth and make your walkways safer. You have a lot of options for your outdoor lighting. A number of them are solar powered so you can avoid adding to your utility bills while providing the right amount of lighting for your yard.
  6. Have a focal point. When you add elements such as fountains, zen gardens or larger plants and even trees, you create a spot in your landscaping design that attracts the eye and draws people in. These are also good for breaking up a larger yard into separate living spaces.

Your yard is often one of the first things people see when they come to your home. The right landscaping will make it look great.