Create a Safe Home Environment Learn More About Radon Mitigation and Abatement Services

How to improve radon test results

Radon is a toxic, natural gas that is known to cause cancer. Unlike other types of natural gas, it is odorless and may go undetected without appropriate testing. Given this, you may not be aware that you have radon present in your home or its surrounding grounds. Recent data released by the Environmental Protection agency indicates that roughly one out of every 15 homes within the United States has radon levels that are either at or above action levels.

Radon’s Connection With Lung Cancer

According to the Surgeon General, radon is currently the second leading cause of lung cancer in this country. Scientists have also estimated that lung cancer deaths could be reduced by ensuring that homes with radon levels above the Environmental Protection Agency’s action level are reduced. It is estimated that these cancer-related deaths could be decreased by two to four percent if this were accomplished.

Short and Long-Term Radon Testing

There are specific tests used to determine whether or not radon is present in a home or its surrounding grounds. While it does depend on the device being used, short-term radon detectors will measure levels for two to 90 days. When radon is located, then long-term tests are used in order to determine the average concentration. These tests will run for over 90 days to ensure that the correct data is collected.

How Radon Is Mitigated

There are both passive and active mitigation systems that may be used to reduce a house’s indoor radon levels. Passive systems, for example, have demonstrated their capacity to reduce these levels by over 50%.
In combination with radon ventilation fans, these levels can be even further reduced.

Contact Your Local Residential Radon Testing Services

If you even suspect that you may have radon present in your home, it’s important to contact your local residential radon testing services for an evaluation. When you have a basement that tends to flood, for example, your contractor will most likely recommend that you have a sump pump installed to drain any standing water. In the event that radon is present, your contractor will recommend and provide specific mitigation services to lower or eliminate the risks associated with radon exposure.