Do You KNow Who to Call When You Are Facing a Plumbing Problem?

Professional sewer repair is often a pretty messy business, but when the early October weather is rainy and cold as it is this fall, the problem can be even more challenging. The fact of the matter is, however, most plumbing emergencies do not happen when it is convenient. They occur when you have a house full of company or when you are heading out of town on a vacation. Fortunately, there are a number of companies that provide professional sewer repair and can help you get through any emergency, no matter the time of the day or night.

Finding the right plumber can help you make sure that the work you have completed can be trusted and that it will last. From serious underslab repair caused by damage from a slow sewer leak to backyard sewer repair needed when tree roots grow into old lines, it is important to make sure that you are working with professionals who provide the best plumbing services.

Finding the Right Plumber Can Help You Find the Best Home and Business Solutions
Owning a property requires a owner to pay attention to many details, both large and small. From making sure that all of the plumbing is in working order to being certain that any major sewer problems are professionally addressed, it is important that you make sure you are working with a professional plumbing contractor.

Consider these facts and figures about the water usage habits of home and business owners in America and some of the most common sewer and plumbing problems that occur:

  • The U.S. would be using more than 437 billion gallons of water every year if toilets had not been upgraded from 3.5 gallon tanks in the year 1992.
  • Currently, the average household in America spends $500 on their sewer and water bill every year.
  • There was a 200% increase in U.S. water usage between the years 1950 and 2000.
  • Just by making little changes to their habits and plumbing fixtures, the average U.S. household could save as much as $170 every year on water and sewer bills.
  • 10% of the households in America have leaks in their plumbing that can waste up to 90 gallons of water a day.

Small plumbing problems can quickly turn into major sewer problems if they are not addressed on a regular basis. Finding the right professional, however, can help you solve the smallest and biggest problems as soon as possible.