How to pack a kitchen and house

The kitchen is the most challenging room to pack with all the items that are there. Kitchens have some items that you can’t donate or give away since you need them in the future. A step-by-step guide is ideal for the process to be successful. Here are some steps to follow.

Protect Your Workspace
The first step would be to protect the work surface using a pattern-moving blanket to avoid scratching the tabletop while you are working.

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Then grab your packet paper and spit it open and get ready to wrap the items up.

Plates and Glasses
When packing plates, place one plate followed by a sheet of paper, then another plate until you have a stack of more than five plates at a time. Wrap the entire bundle and place it directly into a box standing upwards. When it comes to glasses, roll, then flip the paper in and continue rolling. Don’t roll too tightly to have a kind of air pocket inside the paper.

Fill the inside of the glass with crushed paper to protect it from any downward pressure. Take one or two sheets of paper and roll it like regular glass. With the cutlery, take a stack of one type and bundle it up and move it. Repeat this with other items and stick those bundles inside the tray. If the tray is full, wrap it using paper and tape to avoid a bunch of clank staff inside your boxes.

Consider making Tupperware the right way to avoid wasting space inside your boxes. Start by taking off the lids, stacking the Tupperware together, and wrapping the Tupperware separately from the lids.

Cooking Utensils
Grab a handful of them inside of a piece of paper and roll them. If they are sharp, make sure you have enough paper folded around the sharp edges. Ensure you have at least one sheet of paper between the pots and pans to avoid the material getting scratched.

Residential packing services ensure that your kitchen and house are in order. The most important thing is to ensure no space wastage, no items, or breaking, and the material is not getting scratched. .