New Environmentally Responsible Roofing Materials for Residential and Commercial Use

Solar chattanooga

Did you know that the materials you choose for your roof replacement can have an impact on the environment? That installing a reflective roof can reduce cooling costs in the summer and help you save big on your energy bills? That you can still get rebates for installing solar panels on your roof? With more and more environmentally responsible residential and commercial roofing options available, it’s easier than ever to go green, save money and stay cool. If you’re looking for roofing solutions, it’s time to schedule a consultation with a roofing contractor who can advise you on the best choices for your home.

Environmentally responsible roofing materials
Using environmentally responsible materials and ENERGY STAR qualified roof products for residential and commercial roofing can dramatically reduce the need for air conditioning and reduce the demand for cooling in the building by as much as 10 to 15%. These materials work by reflecting the heat and light of the sun instead of retaining it as traditional materials do. This means a cooler and more comfortable indoor environment, with lower temperatures and less glare.
You can reduce your home energy bills by as much as a third, or around 30%, just by choosing the right materials for your roof.

Choosing the right roofing materials
The average lifespan of a roof depends on a number of factors, including the materials used, climate, installation, proximity of trees, etc. It can vary from 10 to 45-50 years. When it’s time to replace a roof, that’s also an opportunity to look into the use of new materials which can keep your home more comfortable and save you money.
Especially if you live in a climate with hot summers, installing a reflective roof can reduce up to 40% of your cooling costs. That’s because some of the new cooling roof materials available can reflect up to 65% of the sunlight that falls on them, retaining only about 35% of the heat. By comparison, traditional roofing materials reflect only a minuscule 5 to 15% of the sunlight that falls on them, while absorb 85 to 95% of the heat. The difference translates into cooler interiors and lower air conditioning bills.
Some cool-colored metal roofing materials contain pigments that increase reflection of heat and sunlight to 90%. This offers a natural way of lowering indoor temperatures in the summer. Over time, the savings from the decreased need for air conditioning will really add up.

Tax credits for solar panel installation
Solar panels help the environment and save you money. It’s really that simple. Until the end of 2016, residential and commercial buildings that install solar panels can benefit from the federal solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which offers a 30% tax credit for conversion to solar. Not only that, but the price of installation for solar energy has been decreasing steadily as the technology improves and matures. The cots of solar panels has decreased by 60% since 2011.
The benefits for your home and the environment are immediate and obvious. Not only will your home be more comfortable, with cooler temperatures in summer and warmer in the winter, installing solar panels can save you an average of $84 each month on your electric bills. And it will decrease your home’s carbon footprint by 35,180 pounds of carbon dioxide each year, on average.

If it’s time for roof repair or replacement, it’s also an opportunity to make your home or commercial building more environmentally friendly. Residential roofing contractors can advise you on the new technologies and materials available for residential and commercial roofing, that will make your home more comfortable, cost-efficient and environmentally friendly.