This is going to be a difficult week.
When you delivered your first baby the first week of December it seemed like the two months of maternity leave would last forever. The fact that your mother was going to be the maternity leave sub made you feel at ease. You knew that your class of kindergarteners would be in good hands, and, if you wanted, you could know the details of any day. The hours of planning for the nursery finally had a purpose. The paint for the nursery that you finally selected seems perfect and you were looking forward to long days rocking your son enjoying the new space.
This week, however, is the last one you will be spending home with the baby. Next week you and your mom will switch places. She will stay home with her first grandchild and you will be back in the classroom. It is what you want, but you know that it is going to be a difficult transition.
Selecting Paint for the Nursery Is a Big Decision
When was the last time that you had to select a paint for a special room? When you are making decisions about the furniture and the materials that will be used for the nursery of your first child it is important to not only consider how things will look, but also how healthy they will be for the baby. Odorless paints and paints with low VOC numbers create the most healthy space for the most important new person in your life.
From crib safe paints to finding the right products for priming walls, it is important to know the chemicals that are included in any of the products that you use. Volatile organic compounds (VOC) levels over 500 ppb could cause problems for people with chemical sensitivities, according to a report by CBC Marketplace. Another frightening fact is that studies have shown levels of several organics average two to five times higher indoors than outdoors. When inhaled, these levels can contribute to several health problems. And while parents may sometimes feel as if they are merely making short term decisions when they chose a nursery paint, the truth is much different. In fact, According to Sweden’s Dampness in Buildings and Health study, among children with multiple allergic symptoms, PGE-exposure nearly doubled the likelihood of developing allergic sensitivities to other allergens.
There are many weeks of parenting that can be difficult, but it is important to remember that there are few decisions that are as important as the kind of paint that you will use and the other health choices you will make for your first child’s nursery. The most healthy paint for the nursery can help you create the best setting.