Residential Repair Services You Should Have on Speed Dial

Buying a home is a great investment, and it is one of the largest investments most people make. Ensuring that you are protecting your investment with regular maintenance and necessary repairs are essential activities. Connecting with a HomeAdvisor handyman near me is one of the easiest ways to partner with an expert that can help keep your home in great shape. There are some key repair specialists that you should plan on having on speed dial to protect your home investment. Here are some of the most frequently needed home repairs.

Foundation Repairs

The foundation of your home is literally the bedrock of your home. Foundation problems can affect every area of your home from the basement to the roof. If you have leaky basement walls, slanted floors, doors, and windows that do not close right, you may have a foundation problem that requires a professional foundation repair service.

In some cases, these types of repairs are out of the realm of the capability of a HomeAdvisor handyman near me. However, you can start with a HomeAdvisor handyman near me and then work your way up the service chain to a foundation repair service if the handyman cannot handle the problem.

Some of the foundation repairs that a HomeAdvisor handyman near me can handle include basement waterproofing and foundation crack sealing using waterproofing wall coatings. They may be able to repair crumbling mortar. If there is more extensive damage to the foundation, then you likely will need to contract with a residential foundation repair service.

Garage Door Repairs

Many homeowners often run into garage door problems that require garage door repair services. A fully functional garage door is necessary to maintain the security of your home, but that is not the only reason you will need someone to make repairs. A faulty garage door is a safety risk to you and your family. If your garage door is not fully functional it could injure a member of your home.

There are many reasons that homeowners work with a garage door repair service from improving their property to improving home security. Of course, you also want to make sure that you can use every area of your home, including your garage, without stress and worry.

A HomeAdvisor handyman near me may be able to help repair your garage door. Typically, handymen have a wide range of skills, including repairing or replacing garage doors.

Local Roofer

Your roof is one of the most important structures of your home. Having a roof repair service on speed dial is important. Roofing problems should be addressed as soon as they are recognized to save money and reduce the risk of damage. Most homeowners are not aware that they should have their roof inspected bi-annually by a roofing professional.

Early interventions and roof maintenance are one of the best ways to extend the life of your roof and protect your home investment. A HomeAdvisor handyman near me is a great resource for roof maintenance and minor repairs.

Plumbing Repairs

Plumbing, another very important part of your home, often requires attention. Residential plumbing repair is something every homeowner will need at some point. A HomeAdvisor handyman near me can take care of most small plumbing problems. For example, they can easily manage plumbing fixture problems, install new fixtures, fix small leaks, and provide support for other small plumbing repairs.

Plumbing problems can be both small easily fixable problems and large problems that are more challenging. There are a lot of things that can go wrong with your plumbing system. In some cases, a HomeAdvisor handyman near me is the right solution; in other cases, you will need to call in a licensed professional plumber.

If you have a relationship with the right handyman they will let you know when the work is out of the scope of their skillset. Having a trusted professional plumber in your contact list is important and will be a huge benefit if you should ever run into a plumbing emergency that requires expert attention.

Electrical Repairs

Residential electrical repair should always be done by a certified electrician. Of course, a HomeAdvisor handyman near me can be useful for things like installing a ceiling fan or replacing a broken light switch, but big repairs like replacing the circuit panel in your home require a certified electrician.

Electrical problems can be dangerous. According to FEMA, about 25,000 residential electrical fires occur in the United States each year due to faulty wiring. These fires result in about 800 deaths each year, 2,400 injuries, and about $871 million in property damage. It is essential that you use the right professional for electrical repairs.

Septic Tank Services

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, about 47% of American homes depend on a septic system to manage residential waste. If you are a homeowner that depends on a septic tank system to manage waste, you should have a septic tank repair company in your contacts. Septic tank failure can be avoided by maintaining your septic tank and having repairs done as needed.

According to the experts, your tank should be pumped every three to five years. If you have a large household, you should have your tank pumped every three years. Smaller households can follow this schedule for maintenance every five years.

While a HomeAdvisor handyman near me can take care of a lot of your household repairs and maintenance needs when it comes to septic tank repairs or maintenance you will need a company that specializes in these services. Septic tank repair and maintenance requires a very specialized skill set and special equipment that most handymen do not have access to.

Water Heater Professional

On average, you can expect your water heater to have a life span of between 15-20 years. The need for water heater repair is one of the most common repairs that a homeowner must deal with. In some cases, your HomeAdvisor handyman near me can help with repairs, if they are simple. In other cases, you will need a certified plumber who is a water heater professional to manage the repair.

There are several different types of water heaters. You have your standard tank heater that runs on electricity. You have your standard tank heater that runs on gas. There are “tankless” water heaters that provide on-demand hot water. Depending on which type of water heater you have, your local rules and requirements, and how complex your system is will determine whether your handyman can make repairs.

It is a good idea to have a professional certified water heater repair company in your contacts just in case. Some localities require that water heaters are replaced and repaired by certified plumbers, especially when they are gas-fueled. Some manufacturers require that warranty work is managed by a certified plumber. Check your warranty, and local rules, before you call in a handyman to do the repairs.

Toilet Repairs

If your toilet is running, not flushing properly, or leaking from the seal, you are not alone. Many homeowners run into problems with their toilets. In 2020, according to HomeAdvisor, about 27% of homeowners in the United States reported a problem with one or more of their toilets. Luckily, a good HomeAdvisor handyman near me can manage most toilet repair services.

Of course, if the problem is not actually the toilet, and the toilet problem is a symptom of a larger problem, then you will need to call a plumber. You should always have a few options for plumbing repairs in your phone, including a trusted local plumbing company that offers emergency repair services.

HVAC Contractor

HVAC repair should always be left up to the professionals. Your HVAC system is an essential system and requires professional care. Partnering with a trusted HVAC company is one of the best ways to ensure that your system gets the care that it needs. You should not wait until your system breaks down to find an HVAC company you want to work with.

One of the best ways to ensure that you do not have to deal with unexpected HVAC breakdowns is to connect with an HVAC company that offers HVAC maintenance. You can contract with a trusted HVAC company to have your system regularly maintained and checked for small issues that need attention. According to IAQA, HVAC maintenance can extend the life of your system by up to seven years. Additionally, regular maintenance can improve the indoor air quality of your home.

Every homeowner should have an HVAC professional as part of their home maintenance and repair team. The best time to find an HVAC company is when your HVAC seems to be working fine. Forming a relationship with an HVAC service provider now when you do not need repairs can ensure that you go to the top of the list when you do.

Dishwasher Repairs

Dishwashers are fickle machines and often are found to need repairs. Dishwasher repair services can help to make sure you never have to worry about dishes stacking up and waiting to be hand-washed. Many of the HomeAdvisor handymen near me can manage dishwasher repairs. However, on some of the more complex models, you may need to call in a plumber. Plumbers are the experts that provide dishwasher repair services.

Another reason you may want to forgo using a HomeAdvisor handyman near me to repair your dishwasher is to protect your warranty. Manufacturers can be a bit picky about who makes repairs and whether that repair person has violated your warranty.

Typically, if your machine is still under warranty even if the repair is not covered by the warranty, you should still contact a certified plumber. Unfortunately, manufacturers will use any excuse to blame their product failure on the consumer.

For example, a small part of your dishwasher needs to be repaired. You use a HomeAdvisor handyman near me to do the repairs. Three months down the road, the dishwasher is on the fritz again, but it is not the same problem. You discover that the problem is covered by your warranty. However, the manufacturer will not cover the costs. They use the fact that you did not use a certified professional to make the “non-warranty” repair. It happens all the time. Be aware of your responsibilities under the warranty. Keep that plumber on the speed dial just in case.

Protecting your investment in your home requires a team. Having the right support to manage all the repairs and maintenance of your home is critical. A HomeAdvisor handyman near me is a great place to start, but by far, it is not the only repair/maintenance expert you will need. The old saying “hope for the best but prepare for the worst” rings very true when it comes to home ownership and managing your home.

Having a list of professional service providers that you can rely on to make repairs and help you maintain your home takes the stress out of homeownership and protects your home investment. HomeAdvisor is a trusted resource for all your repair and maintenance needs. You can connect with local providers in your area that you can rely on for fair pricing and guaranteed results.

Compile your list of providers today and be prepared for those situations that crop up. The more prepared you are, the more money you will save and the less damage you will have to deal with. A little pre-planning can go a long way in ensuring that you are ready for any repair issue. Learn more today about choosing the list of contacts that are going to help you protect your home investment.