The Earliest Signs of Bed Bugs to Look Out For

It’s important to know which signs to look for if you suspect you may have bed bugs. Identifying these signs early on will help you formulate an action plan to eliminate these pests. The YouTube video also highlights several key signs to look for if you suspect you may have an infestation.

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Look Out for These Bed Bug Signs

The most common sign of these bugs is bite marks. It’s crucial to distinguish between flea bites and these bites. A flea bite is small, round, and doesn’t always cause swelling. You can expect to see redness, inflammation, and elevated skin around the bite. Look for a collection of bite marks in a specific area, such as the lower or upper back, arms, legs, or stomach.

These bugs are most active at night. You can spot them crawling on the bed, walls, furniture, or floor. They’re small, oval-shaped, a reddish-brown color, and about the size of an apple seed. In severe cases, you might also notice a musty or sweet odor. Furthermore, look for blood or fecal stains on the bedding because they leave blood stains after feeding and excrete digested blood.

Regularly inspect hiding spots to detect these bugs early. Look at the mattress seams, on furniture, or in bedding. Early detection can help you eliminate your home from these pests.


Regularly inspect hiding spots to detect these bugs early.