Three Quick Ways to Give Back to Your Community When You’re Short on Time

Charity Worker Collecting From Couple In StreetTo say the least, Americans are very generous people with big, open hearts. According to recent research, more than half — 70% — of Americans make charity donations in some form each year in the United States. This is especially evident during the winter holiday season, when donations for non profit organizations reach their peak.

Unfortunately, however, it can be difficult to find time to make charitable donations with today’s hectic lifestyles. Not only are Americans generous in terms of helping families in need, they’re also extremely hardworking, with many Americans juggling several jobs, college, and their personal lives.

Luckily, if you find yourself unable to carve out a large chunk of time in your schedule to make charity donations to non profit organizations in your area, there are still a number of ways you can give back to your community, even if you’re short on time.

Here’s just a few ideas to keep in mind.

Clothing donations
Donating gently used clothing is perhaps one of the easiest ways to support your local community, requiring very little time and effort. There are a number of organizations that accept clothing donations and will pick them up directly from your home, office, or business. Simply schedule a donation date and pick up time and leave the items outside. That’s it! In addition, clothing donations help to reduce the amount of textile waste that ends up in landfills. Did you know that 99% of clothing that is thrown away could have been recycled or reused?

The gift of life is perhaps one of the most valuable donations you can make, and only requires about half an hour of your time. A single pint of donated blood can save up to three lives! The Red Cross is always in need of blood and plasma donors, and frequently has mobile blood drives, allowing you to donate on the go or at a time that is most convenient for you.

Care package
Assembling a care package online only takes a few minutes. Simply select the items you’d like to include in the package, pay the fee, and that’s it, you’re done! There are a number of organizations that offer this service, especially for military families and active duty military personnel. You can choose to remain anonymous, or attach a personal note.