Plumbing problems are often little annoyances that can grow into big ones. You may not have the time or the money to call a plumber immediately, but with these simple tricks in the video, you can save money by doing the job yourself and delay calling a contractor until you find a convenient time.
Dealing With Pipe Problems
Many plumbing problems within your home involve leaky pipes and related issues. Spend a few minutes watching how to do the following:
• Hermetically seal a leak by using O rings and heating the affected area
• Returning dented pipe to its original condition
• Creating custom PVC pipe connections
• Using a thin rubber hose and a tightening thread to real a leak
• Quickly seal a metal pipe with pressure clamps
Other Plumbing Tips
It’s easy to temporarily remedy various problems through simple hacks. Try some of these time savers:
• Disabling an irrigation system by installing a t-stop using a drill and soldering iron
• Clean the inside of pipes by attaching a three-pronged tool to a drill
• Create an outdoor faucet using a connector and a drill
Remember that more difficult hacks will eventually need the services of a professional plumber to ensure that problems don’t recur or get worse. Always call a plumber when you are unsure of your work.