Why You Should Schedule Your Pool Resurfacing Project This Fall

According to a Houzz study, up to 56% of homeowners who were making updates to their yards were doing so to improve their outdoor entertainment space. One of the best ways to improve your outdoor entertainment space is to plan a pool deck repair or remodeling project.

However, before you can begin any outdoor project, it’s a good idea to consider the timing. Here in Tampa Bay, Florida, fall and winter are considered optimal times for outdoor projects. This is because outdoor projects started in the cooler seasons will be finished in time for the warmer seasons when entertaining is most popular.

Aside from the timing, here are a few other reasons why you should consider pool renovations and projects this fall:

  1. Temperature
    Florida is famous for its heat waves and muggy weather. The weather may still be warm during fall and winter months, but it’s far more bearable to work outdoors away from the air conditioning. This means you and your pool contractors won’t have to take as many breaks away from your project to recover from the heat.
  2. Drying time
    The extreme summer heat can cause your pool deck coatings and resurfacing to evaporate prematurely. This results in cracks and dry spots. The cooler weather of fall provides your deck with the right amount of time necessary to dry completely without cracks.
  3. Landscaping
     Having a project done in time for spring and summer gives you time to work on other projects such as landscaping. Flowers and plants are known to go into shock when they’re first re-planted. Having your deck resurfacing and other projects completed by spring gives you the time you need to ensure your garden is blooming in no time.
  4. Schedule
     Contractors are often busiest during the spring and summer months. Therefore, fall is one of the best times of the year to schedule a project such as deck resurfacing. It’s far easier to schedule a consultation and, odds are, you’ll be able to choose a time that works great for you.

Fall and winter are great times to schedule an outdoor project in Tampa, FL. Whether you’re planning for pool resurfacing or you’re building an outdoor kitchen, consider beginning your project this fall.