Your Green Home: What Materials Matter

You want to have a home that is energy-efficient and makes you feel great about your contribution to the world you live in. You know you can have solar panels put in and install greater insulation to make your in-house energy use more beneficial, but when you build a house from the ground up, you wonder what you can do to make your house more environmentally sound from the get-go.


Some home construction materials are more earth-friendly than others. From the foundation onward, discover what materials matter when it comes to the construction of your home — and why.


Insulated Concrete


Concrete is used in basements and other parts of the home as part of the main foundation construction. You can do your part to make your house more environmentally sound straight out of the gates by having the concrete insulated when you first install it.


Insulated concrete building blocks are used in the basement and main construction of the home and can line the walls for better heating and cooling dispersing. When you are looking for better energy efficiency in the home, starting with the foundation is key.


Custom Concrete Forms


When you have your home designed, consider a custom design that will revolve around maximizing square footage and making your home easier to heat and cool. Custom concrete forms can do this for you, giving you maximum use of your central heat and air, fireplace, or other heating and cooling source. You not only save money in having your home custom designed with the right ICF products, but you also do your part to make your property more environmentally friendly as well.


Basement Construction


When you use ICF products in your basement construction, you end up saving money and materials as part of construction, both of which are beneficial to you. In general, ICF-based construction in the basement costs less than your traditional building project because fewer steps are included in the process.


All Energy-Efficient Materials


You can use as many energy-efficient home construction materials as you wish to make your house more energy-friendly and best for you and the earth. Your construction specialist will help you determine what materials will work best for you and which ones you should avoid. ICF products can be lighter and use less step work to complete projects with, leading to a more environmentally sound home.


As you get ready to create your new home from scratch, determine what you need to do to make your house as earth-conscious as possible. Your contractor will help you make this possible. The right home construction materials will make your house an energy powerhouse.