Your Home Heating and Cooling: More Than Just Your HVAC System

Having a highly efficient HVAC system means nothing if your windows and doors aren’t sealed properly. Drafts are the enemy of an AC ventilation system and will only result in your HVAC unit having to work much harder to achieve the desired temperature. If your HVAC is old and worn, it won’t matter what you do to the rest of your house, you won’t be heating or cooling it efficiently.

An HVAC unit that is 10 to 15 years old should be replaced with a new air conditioning and heating system for a couple of reasons. First, you’ll save money on energy bills. Secondly, you won’t have to worry about your HVAC unit breaking down in the middle of the summer or the winter. To find AC unit deals, contact an HVAC company near you. They will go over AC system design and their affordable HVAC units. You can also get references and an installation estimate at this time. Remember, to get the most out of heating and cooling your home, you need an updated HVAC system and well-sealed windows and doors.

There’s no doubt that your central heating and air play a large part in your home’s temperature. But thinking that they’re the only components in energy efficient home heating systems or energy efficient home cooling systems is a mistake that could cost you hundreds of dollars every season.

Old, drafty windows can be a huge source or energy loss. Investing in new, energy efficient windows may seem costly at the outset, but they easily pay for themselves with two years. Double-pane windows are ideal for trapping an insulating wall of air between the panes, which helps better maintain the temperature inside your house. For even further efficiency, you can cover windows with UV protective film, which can keep the sunlight from converting to heat once it passes through the glass.

Home efficiency tip

Stopping the sunlight before it even reaches the window is also a great way to maximize your cooling efficiency. Retractable awnings over large windows can not only reduce internal heat in the summer, but also over 90% of the glare from sunlight. In the winter, you can retract the awning to benefit from the UV rays. Or you could plant a tree outside your window, which will follow the seasons—leafy shade in the summer and more sunshine through bare branches in the winter.

Assuming your windows are adequately keeping the air where you want it, you can also begin a summer regimen of open windows at night (to let cool air in) and closed windows and shades during the day (to trap the cool air in and keep it from getting heated). This can take the strain off your AC unit, which can in turn take the strain off your wallet from June to September.

Energy efficient home heating and cooling is about more than your heater or your air conditioner. By making sure that the air they condition stays conditioned, you can maximize their working life, and save money in the long run.