Eight Benefits To Building With Concrete

There are a lot of construction materials used to erect buildings, restaurants, stadiums and all kinds of other things. Of all the materials used, concrete is the most widely used manmade material in the world. In fact, concrete can last for thousands of years and it’s use dates back to 500 BC.

In the United States, the concrete industry is worth more than $37 billion and there are more than two million employees in the U.S. construction industry.

For those in the construction industry, here are eight benefits to working with concrete:

  • It’s cost-effective: For whatever a company’s needs are, the production cost of cement concrete is very low. Because it’s inexpensive and readily available anywhere in the world, that makes it an ideal choice for jobs like industrial concrete repair. When you boil it down, concrete is made up of three things, aggregates, water and cement. All of these items are readily available, so concrete offers construction companies a low-cost, effective material to build with.
  • It’s energy efficient: For companies constructing with concrete, one of the great benefits of the material is that it’s very energy efficient. Compared to other materials much as steel, cement concrete requires just 450-750 kWh/ton of energy, compared to 8000 kWh/ton for steel.
  • It’s resistant to water: It is true that chemicals found in water can cause concrete to corrode, cement concrete stands up to water better than other materials like wood and steel. Because it stands up to water better, cement concrete is ideal for industrial concrete repair, pipelines, canals, dams or building structures. Remember that pure water does not break concrete down, chemicals that dissolve in water like chlorides cause that to happen.
  • It stands up to heat: In addition to its water resistance, cement concrete stands up to high temperature better than other materials. Concrete isn’t great for conducting heat, but it’s able to store heat. Should a concrete building catch on fire, it can withstand heat for anywhere from 2-6 hours, giving firemen plenty of time to get there and help.
  • It’s recyclable: Another benefit of concrete is that that many types of industrial waste can be recycled and then used in concrete as a substitute for cement. Using wastes such as glass, ground tires and ash help to reduce significantly the amount of industrial waste, which in turn helps the environment.
  • It’s low maintenance: Another benefit of concrete or applications like industrial concrete repair, is that it doesn’t require painting or any other type of protection against weathering. Having to replace coating on steel or wooden structures can take time and money. This makes concrete ideal for construction since there’s not a lot of maintenance required.
  • It’s versatile: One of the greatest benefits of concrete in construction applications is its versatility. In the process of constructing a building, concrete can be pumped or sprayed, poured or grouted.
  • It can be manipulated: Fresh concrete can be easily manipulated since it’s in a liquid form. That means in can be poured in a variety of molds and shapes depending on what design a construction company is trying to go for.

Between its versatility, resistance to heat and water and its cost-effectiveness, there are many benefits to using concrete in many construction applications such as industrial concrete repair. Using concrete will give concrete companies and concrete contractors a strong foundation that will stand up to the elements and last for a long time for whatever they are building.