Preparing for a new baby is a very exciting time, but it is a busy time. There are a lot of things that need to get done before the baby arrives including getting your home ready for the baby.
You can create a welcoming home for a baby that is safe by following a few tips for preparing for a new baby that is focused on getting your home ready for baby. We will cover the “must-haves” for baby and share some ideas about preparing for a new baby and what you can do in your home to get ready.
The Basics of Preparing for a New Baby
The goal when you are preparing for a new baby is to ensure that you have everything on hand that you will need for your baby. You do not have to go overboard and buy top of the line everything but you do need to make sure the basics are covered.
Baby will need a place to sleep. A crib or a bassinet is ideal. Baby will need care items like scaled-down bath furniture (think baby tub), clothing, a place to keep their supplies and clothing, and ideally their own space to keep all the necessary baby gear.
The first thing to consider is the nursery. Ideally, you want to create the nursery close to the master bedroom for easy access. If you do not have a separate bedroom that can be transformed into a nursery, don’t worry, just about any space can be turned into a nursery with a little innovation.
Sometimes you have to switch rooms around to find the optimal space when preparing for a new baby. For example, while your unfinished basement may not be the best place for baby, it can be refinished with a little home remodeling and become a family room, which would leave you space upstairs for a nursery. A basement remodel can give you about a 70% return on your investment, so it can be a win-win situation. Preparing for a new baby sometimes requires that you get creative to have the space that you need.
In many cases, all you really need to do is focus on decorating the space that you have earmarked for baby. A few decorating tips can go a long way in preparing for a new baby and getting the nursery ready.
Decorating Ideas for A Nursery
Starting from the floor up is a good way to start your decorating when preparing for a new baby. For example, hardwood floors are lovely, but they are not the safest for baby. Covering hardwood floors with a thick plush area rug will allow baby to have floor time safely, and help to keep the room warm.

The latest trend in decorating a nursery is that anything goes. You do not have to stick with a specific theme or avoid décor that is too adult. As a parent, you will be spending a lot of time in the nursery. You want to make sure that space is comfortable for both you and baby.
If you have space a nice comfy overstuffed chair with a footstool will ensure that you can relax during feeding time or snuggle time. Choose a theme that is soothing, and that will age well with your baby, it will be a cost-saving down the road.
Choose furniture that is multifunctional as well. For example, a crib that converts to a toddler bed is a good investment that you will get plenty of use out of. Getting the nursery ready is not the only thing you need to do when preparing for a new baby when it comes to the home. Part of the preparation should be dedicated to safety around the home.
Preparing for a New Baby and Safety
In one short year babies go from being helpless to being toddlers. There is a lot of adjustments to make in both your lifestyle and your home to ensure that baby always remains safe. Of course, most people think about the obvious things like having a smoke detector installation done in the new nursery, but there are a lot more things that you need to do to make your home environment safe for baby.
Here are some things you will need to get out of the way before the baby comes to ensure safety for baby:
- Consider custom fencing in the backyard and child safety gates indoors. Baby will be on the move before you know it. Making sure they cannot get too far can be as simple as having some fencing installed.
- Invest in child safety locks. Putting child safety locks on lower cabinets is a good idea. By about 7 months baby will be crawling around and can open a cabinet.
- Cover outlets. Outlet plugins assure that little fingers cannot poke into the outlet and get shocked.
If you need to crawl around on the floor and see what baby will see from that vantage point. Make sure nothing can be pulled down with a tug or two. It is never too soon to start paying attention to safety hazards. For example, fire pits are a very popular backyard feature, but to a toddler, they can be a hazard. Cover them up, or move them out of the way until baby is old enough to understand what danger means. Remember, life is going to get really busy when the baby arrives, and you may forget to address some of the safety issues. It is best to be fully prepared for the baby before the baby comes.

If you get all the safety issues addressed while preparing for a new baby, by the time baby comes, there will be nothing left to worry about. Besides, you do not want to be worried about trying to get things done during those first few months, you want to focus on adjusting to the new household dynamic, and getting sleep when you can.
Get House Repairs Done Now
Preparing for a new baby is not only about decorating the nursery, and making some safety changes around the house, it is also about getting any repairs out of the way so you can focus on baby without worries about dealing with them after the baby is born.
If you are preparing for a new baby, it is a great time to get some HVAC service done. Why HVAC service? The last thing you want to have to worry about when the baby arrives is dealing with no heat or no AC.
You should have an annual HVAC tune-up and inspection anyway. Getting it out of the way before the baby comes will give you one less thing to worry about. It is also a good time to get other repairs and maintenance out of the way.
Tree trimming around the house can ensure that the next storm does not displace you and your family from home because the roof is damaged from those overhanging limbs. Consider having all the maintenance is done that needs to be done before the baby comes along.
Worry Less
Becoming a parent really changes people. Suddenly you start to take notice of things that you never noticed before. For example, many new parents become obsessed with crime statistics in their area. It is only natural that you are worried about what type of world you are bringing your baby into when preparing for a new baby.

Instead of worrying, take the steps that you need, to make your environment feel more secure. For example, consider having a locksmith service come out and install new deadbolts, and learn more about security for your home.
Sometimes the simplest things like new deadbolts give you peace of mind so you can focus on the joy of preparing for a new baby. Taking the steps that you need now will help you to adjust to parenthood much easier down the road when the baby arrives.
You Don’t Have to Go It Alone
It can feel a little overwhelming when you start looking at the list of all the things that need to be done when preparing for a new baby. It is overwhelming when you and your partner are trying to get it all done alone and fit in all of life’s other obligations.
The solution is do not do it alone. Enlist the help of friends and family. Hire professionals when you need to. For example, while you focus on some of the baby proofing tasks, consider hiring professional plumbing services to fix that leaky faucet or that toilet that just runs and runs.
You can make the process of preparing for a new baby a team effort. Enlist the help of friends and family and:
- Be specific about your needs.
- Prepare a list.
- Offer some trade.
Friends and family members are likely very excited about the new baby. Tap into that excitement by assigning some duties. When you ask someone for their help with a project for preparing for a new baby, you want to be as specific as possible about the type of help you need. Outlining exactly what you need them to do will ensure there is no miscommunication.
Make a list of what needs to get done, then assign volunteers to the activities. Keeping track of who is supposed to be doing what will ensure that there is no double duty being done. You do not want three volunteers waiting at your local baby shop to pick up the crib for you. That would be a waste of time, effort, and goodwill. You have to be organized if you are going to ask for help.
Take the let’s make a deal approach when asking people for help. For example, if you want your friend John to help you paint the nursery, offer to do some work around his house when he needs it. It will make you both feel better about asking for help.
Take Breaks and Keep a Positive Attitude
Yes, it is important to get everything done before baby arrives, but not at the expense of your mental health. Overstressing will not get the work done any quicker. It is important that you and your partner take regular breaks from the workload and reconnect and really enjoy the moments.

This is an amazing time that is full of so much wonder, you do not want to get so focused on preparing for a new baby that you miss out on all the important moments. How can you get it all done and still find time to submerge yourself in the experience? You do the following:
- Pace yourself.
- Get organized.
- Take care of the priorities first.
You have quite a few months to get everything done. Pacing yourself by doing a little bit every week, will help you get everything that needs to be done quickly. Giving yourself a time frame for each task can help you to pace yourself. The important thing in preparing for a new baby is to get started early and stay the course. Before you know it everything will be done.
Staying organized is key when preparing for a new baby. Start keeping detailed lists of everything that needs to be done, and check it frequently. As tasks are completed cross them off your list. Seeing the actual progress that you are making will help to keep the stress down.
This is a time when there are a lot of things to think about. Having a handy list or even a spreadsheet will keep you on task and ensure that you do not forget anything.
If you are worried that even with planning and pacing yourself you will not be able to get it all done, then make a list of priorities and start with the most important things. For example, get the baby’s nursery done, then move on to the child safety activities.
Preparing for a new baby is one of the most amazing times, take the time to enjoy the process. With a little preplanning, some organization, and getting help when you need it, you will get through and everything will be ready when the baby comes along.
You can get it all done. Preparing for a new baby is like preparing for anything else. Good luck with the preparations and congratulations on the new baby.