5 Tips to Find the Right Contractor

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Hiring a general contractor to do work on your home can be intimidating, especially if you have no experience with construction or contractors, to begin with. Here are 5 expert tips to getting the best contractor possible

Get a Contract in Writing

Whatever needs to be done, write it down, and don’t be stingy on the details. You need to make sure you have all of your bases covered. A contract allows you to pursue legal measures if you don’t get the work done properly.

Get a Referral From Friends and Contact Previous Customers

The best way to find a contractor is to get a referral from a close friend or family member who had a positive experience. Failing that, try to find and reach out to previous customers of the contractors you are looking at. This is the most reliable way to find a professional.

Don’t Pay Upfront

Do not pay until the job is completed. If you have to work out a payment plan, it’s best to have a 10% down payment, small progress payments, and a final payment of 50% or more. A huge red flag is if the contractor initially says they need money for equipment. That means you’re not dealing with a pro.

Be smart and thorough with your search for a contractor. It is your house and money, after all.